
This page will be in UTC time and 24 hour time. Convert to your own time by adding or subtracting hours and sometimes minutes and convert to 12 hour time here.


September 6th

  • Updated amount of songs in SCM Player from 4 to 8 on the homepage (It was outdated) - 15:43

September 5th

  • Made blog post pages be the same width as normal pages - 14:32

September 4th

September 3rd

  • Added sitemap.xml - 12:11

  • Added robots.txt - 11:10


August 31st

  • Added GitHub button to Socials - 16:34

August 29th

  • Added "Infinityyyy (Short)" to SCM Music Player - 17:34

August 28th

  • Added "The STUPIDEST RULE in the Wubby Discord" to my blog - 17:20

August 8th

  • Added "Once Upon A Time" to SCM Music Player - 11:29


July 16th

  • Added "Report Report Delete" to SCM Music Player - 17:38

July 3rd

  • Replaced <h1>s with <h2>s and seperated them by month with <h1>s - 01:16

  • Added June 28th's changelog - 01:12

  • Added date and time for June 27th's changelog - 01:06

  • Finally released this page - 01:00


June 28th

  • Added "Eye Of The Spider" to SCM Music Player - 22:57

June 27th

  • Replaced auto playing music with SCM Music Player - 23:13

June 20th

  • Created Changelog page - 20:17

  • Created Polls page - 20:10